Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Social Media Snapshot:
Street Food Meets Social Media

If you're hungry in New York City and want something quick, find a food cart vendor. These ubiquitous wheels with meals serve up a wide variety of surprisingly good things to eat. Once you've found a Big Apple vendor you really like, however, the challenge is finding him again.

Unlike restaurants with addresses and yellow page ads (remember those?), food carts can't always be on the same corner. So if yesterday you enjoyed your Jamaican jerked chicken with peppered rice on the corner of 48th and Avenue of the Americas, there's no guarantee you'll find the same food cart there tomorrow.

But now, thanks to Twitter and some social media-savvy food cart vendors, there's no need to let your lunch on the street be left to luck. A growing number of street food vendors in the city are using Twitter to keep satisfied customers coming back ... or two blocks east of where you were yesterday.

Vendors are tweeting their customers details about what's for lunch. Some even include pictures. (Indeed, a thousand words may be worth more than 140 characters when you're hungry.) Come 11:30 and a tweet comes up from a favorite noodle cart touting the special of the day and the cart's location ... well, there's a good chance that's what's for lunch. But more than that, these vendors are combining social media with street smarts in a traditional strategy of retaining customers by making it easy to buy again. And it doesn't take 50,000 followers to make it work. As long as you've got the right followers, the world can be your oyster ... or green chile pork burrito as the case may be. Read more...

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